Saturday, January 18, 2014

More About My Experience With Cancer

So it's been around 17 days into the year already, and I've been swamped with calls as usual. January is always the busiest time for me. People are keen to start off the new year with their resolutions to be fit and healthy. Most of the calls i get revolve around weight loss and many around those striving to make a lifestyle change. This year has been different. over the last 17 days, I've got over 19 people with cancer reach out for support.What i see out there is confusion, a lot of confusion, a lot of fear, of course, a lot of families destroyed emotionally, financial distress that this deadly disease brings along with it.

A large number of people are waking up to the reality of this disease now, some making massive changes in their lifestyles and many simply consoling themselves with the fact that they have massive insurance and contacts with top oncologists around the world.

We need to realize that we are bringing on disease and suffering on ourselves and really, the only solution is prevention through a lifestyle change.

I met a 77 year old woman last evening, healthy, great medical reports, but with this looming fear in her mind that she has cancer, because a few years ago she visited a dentist for a routine check up and was told that she could have gum cancer due to some white mucous he saw between her gums.Since then she has lived with the fear of having the cancer ,and any cough or cold she gets pushes her deeper into misery.

The question i get asked almost everyday is can cancer be prevented? What is the right cure? Do you have to die if you have cancer?

It just reminds me of one phrase that we grew up with, ' Prevention is BETTER, than cure' . Cancer can be the product of over 200 things going wrong in your body at the same time, does this mean 200 different treatments? That's what makes it complicated, so yes, prevention is better than cure, but how to prevent ?

There is so much information out there, and sometime too much of information causes more confusion.

Many people believe that getting cancer is purely down to genes, fate or bad luck. But through scientific research, we know that our risk actually depends on a combination of our genes, our environment and aspects of our lives, many of which we can control.

I don't want to talk about telomers, twisted DNA's etc,,,,in my experience, keeping it simple has always provided the best and most inexpensive results.

I have put together some lifestyle changes that i rate as the most important to make, when it comes to a prevention.

Experts estimate that more than four in 10 cancer cases could be prevented by lifestyle changes, such as:

Not smoking

keeping a healthy body weight

cutting back on alcohol

eating a healthy, balanced diet

keeping active

avoiding certain infections (like HPV)

staying safe in the sun


Some people are more at risk of cancer as a result of chemicals or practices used in their occupation. Improved safety in the workplace means fewer people will be at risk now than in the past.

Making lifestyle changes can be difficult, but there are so many benefits. Try to find tricks that make it easier to get into healthy habits, like being active with a friend, keeping track of what you eat or drink, or letting your friends and family know about what you're doing.

Preventing cancer doesn't work in the same way as preventing infectious diseases by injecting vaccines.

‘Healthy living’ is not a cast-iron guarantee against cancer. Instead, it "reduces the risk" of the disease - it heavily stacks the odds of avoiding it in our favour.

For example, we know that it’s possible for a heavy smoker to live a cancer-free life, while someone who never touches cigarettes could develop lung cancer. But if we look at this as a whole, we can clearly see that non-smokers are far less likely to develop cancer than smokers.

In the same way, careful drivers cannot guarantee that they will never get into an accident due to events beyond their control, but they are much less likely to do so than reckless ones.

Can lifestyle changes really make a difference?

Yes, and not just for cancer. In 2008, a large study worked out how a combination of four healthy behaviors would affect your health

These were: not smoking; keeping active; moderating how much alcohol you drink; and eating five daily portions of fruit and vegetables.

People who ticked all four healthy boxes gained an average of 14 years of life compared to people who did not do any of them. By the end of the study, they were less likely to have died from cancer or heart disease.

In short, a lifestyle change is one of the best ways to prevent cancer and other diseases and more I see people making these changes, the more I observe their improvement in their recovery or ability to handle their cancers.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

A Herbal Infusion That Can Help You Sleep At Night ?

With the numerous health downsides of less or poor quality sleep at night, i am constantly exploring and researching natural foods or techniques that can help people sleep better and encourage them to throw away their sleeping pills ( which cause massive damage to the brain and liver in the long run).

In my search i have found that ' Ashwagandha ' a plant that grows in India, helps reduce anxiety and induce sleep at a cellular level. I have found that this plant works for many and for some, it doesn't.No one though, has ever reported side effects of this natural plant.

Recently, i came across a Herbal Infusion, designed by a company in India called ' Herbs India'. They design a variety of healthy infusions that consist of delicate combinations of spices, high quality green and black tea and flowers and some of their infusions are sweetened with natural licorice.

What caught my eye was a blend that was named the ' Deep Sleep Infusion '. I tried this blend and not that i have a sleep problem, but i definitely feel i had a better quality sleep that night.

Having a large client base that struggles to sleep, i sent out a couple of bags to many of them and i was astounded with their feedback. Some of them who struggled to sleep had such a restful night, that they continued to ingest this blend every night for a week, and they just slept better and better. Hard to believe that a mix of spices and teas could do that.

I think I'm convinced in the power of this blend now. Ive got really good feedback from almost about everyone who has tried this ' Deep Sleep Infusion' 

Many asked me if this was completely herbal, and i studied the blend in detail only to learn it's a combination of spices and green tea in a ratio that the master blender for all the right reasons politely refused to share.

Ginger, licorice, cinnamon, nutmeg, green tea, clove, black pepper, star anise and fennel is what this magic elixir contains.

For all those struggling with sleep, trying this blend is surely a natural and inexpensive way to promote better sleep.

I find it calms my nerves in a pleasant way, and i enjoy a cup every night before bedtime.

This company ships it free across India. Surely worth a try.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Body Cleanse ' 12' Program

‘The Body Cleanse 12’ - Program .

Why a Cleanse:

We are exposed to toxins every day and a build-up can affect our neurological, immune and endocrine (hormone) systems. It can be an obstacle to weight loss and healing. The most common offenders are air pollutionfood additivespesticides, alcohol, cigarette and heavy metals. 
When large amounts of toxins are consumed over a long period of time, health issues arise, like cancer, arthritis, skin and hair problems, digestive issues, sleep, mental issues and obesity related diseases.
Your fat loss efforts are more successful in a body that is regularly cleansed of toxins.
Keeping your liver clean is mandatory for excellent health, weight balance and for graceful ageing.
Your liver's main job is to expel these toxins from your bloodstream so you can continue to live. But if your body is overloaded with these harmful substances, your liver is going to need a boost from your food intake and lifestyle
By following a ‘cleanse plan’ you reduce the toxic load and enable the body to function more efficiently. ‘Cleansing’ simply requires a little discipline and a fridge full of nourishing foods.

What Is ‘The Body Cleanse 12’ Program?

12 specially designed ‘cleanse’ menus spread over 3 months.

That’s 4 days a month.

That’s the first Monday of every week.

Why Monday –

The weekends are for you to relax, unwind and enjoy yourself after a long week. You want to socialize, eat out with friends or family, travel, party or keep a day to’ cheat’ on your favorite foods and then the Monday blues set in.
We make wrong food choices and the effects of a great weekend make us sluggish, and we struggle to get back to our exercise regime.

Many of us crawl through Monday, low on energy and enthusiasm.

Toxins slow us down. They make us age faster. They rob our body of energy, nutrients and vitality. They slow down our ability to think and concentrate.

Imagine starting off your Monday with an easy to follow cleanse program, that cleans your insides, digestive system and energizes your body, preparing you for the week ahead.

The plan hits your mailbox on a Saturday, giving you sufficient time to get prepared.

The Body Cleanse 12 – Program is simple.

You get a new cleanse plan for every Monday, for the next 3 months. That’s 12 Mondays and 12 cleanse plans.

What’s in a cleanse plan:

Is this a juice diet or a fruit diet? Absolutely NOT!!!

You have a breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks. Carefully planned food mixes to ensure a complete cleanse of body organs, blood, your lungs, digestive system, skin and hair.

Foods range from vegetables, lean meats, nuts, seeds, spices, oils, natural sweeteners and herbal infusions.

Each Monday plan gives you variety and options and the plan does not work on the concept of restriction. In fact, you will find yourself eating more of the right or ‘clean’ foods.

Doing this plan on a Monday, will jump start your body metabolism, clean out your system and propel you forward in the remainder of the week.

You also get tools and ways that can help you use a Monday to plan your week ahead, in a smart manner, balancing your food, exercise, sleep and mental health.

Are these ‘cleansing’ foods easily available?

All meal options are simple foods, inexpensive yet powerful, and easily available, worldwide.

Why 3 months?

4 Mondays across 3 months makes 12 cleanse days.

Very clearly, it is to build HABIT. To build discipline and turn this into something that becomes part of your lifestyle.

For an effective plan to work, more than just the results it gives, is the ability to sustain it and the ability to build it into your lifestyle and continue doing it as a healthy habit for the rest of your life.

When you do this every Monday for 3 months you will realize –

-         How easy it is to do.

-         The benefits you get out of doing it.

-         You will not feel guilty enjoying your weekends, because you know you can compensate for it by doing a cleanse on Monday.

-         It’s a great way to start the week. It builds discipline, and for anything successful, discipline is a key ingredient.

-         Look at it as ‘giving back to your body’.

-         It becomes a great habit. It becomes ingrained in your lifestyle.

What are some of the benefits you get from doing this?

-         Stronger immunity (immunity is your line of defense against all diseases.)
-         Cleaner liver which means better fat metabolism
-         Stronger hair and better quality skin
-         Reduced inflammation ( back/joint pain, arthritis, heart disease)
-         Help your body fight off diseases, repair, heal and prevent ( immunity)
-         More energy
-         Improved sex life
-         Clear thinking
-         Graceful ageing
-         Reduce food cravings and emotional eating over time.

Vision of this program:

After 3 months, you will find this so easy, you will be looking forward to a Monday cleanse. It will be part of your lifestyle. You will find yourself doing a ‘cleanse’ for more than just once a week at times, because you feel so good.

The vision is to ‘prevent’, ‘heal’, ‘cure’ and ‘feel good’.

Will I lose weight with this?

A cleaner body burns fat much more effectively than a toxic body. The answer is, you enable your body to become a fat burning machine when you cleanse it regularly.

What If I can’t do it on a Monday?

Aim to keep it for a Monday, so that it becomes a lifestyle and habit. If you really have to miss out, then you can do it on any other day.


How much does this program cost?

INR 3000/- for 3 months, that’s INR 1000/- per month to build a new healthy lifestyle and make one of the best investments, your health and well being.

Payments will be taken upfront for 3 months, so that you discipline yourself into going through this whole journey.

How to enroll:

The plan starts on the first Monday of January 2014.

Please enroll for the program by sending a mail to ‘

All instructions will be sent via email, including the payment details.

Can anybody do this plan?

Always check with your Doctor before starting any new plan.

Humble request:

If you sign up for this, you can use this for your whole family. It’s a humble request that you do not forward plans to people who do not enroll. If you feel someone really needs it and cannot pay for it due to various reasons, by all means, you can and you should share it. In all other cases, I request you to encourage others to join the program, as it’s not just a plan they get, it’s the coaching and guidance, as well as the motivation to succeed. They get a whole new lifestyle.

This could be the best start to your new year, body and health.