Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Belly Fat - Reasons You Are Not Losing It

Belly Fat continues to be the single most sought after goal for women and men and for many men, the desire to achieve a 6 pac is large.

It can be frustrating when you are doing all the right things in terms of work outs and nutrition, but losing belly fat or getting a 6 pac is multi-factorial. There are many many small factors that could be an obstacle to your goal.

Working on these small aspects is an easier alternative to achieving a flat tummy.

- You are exercising too hard. Punishing your body with exercise may work for pro athletes who are on specialised nutrition and supplements , and they eat, train and sleep, thats what they do all day. If a normal person tries this, it will lead to injury, nutritional deficiencies and eventual burn out.

- Sleep is less or not complete. Body repair and growth happens when we sleep and needs roughly 7-8 hours to complete its process. If you sleep less, you are at a higher risk of injury and cardiac arrest. Belly fat and the quantity and quality of your sleep is directly proportionate to each other.

- Stress may be the biggest obstacle. Stress produces higher cortisol levels,and cortisol tells the body or puts the body into fat storage mode. This fat gets accumulated around the mid riff and belly. High cortisol is also produced when work outs exceed 30 - 45 minutes. Cortisl is also elevated in people who sleep less and get on restrictive and unbalanced diets.

- You are doing the wrong work out - gym - cardio doesn't mean you get a 6 pac. You find a workout that you enjoy, thats smart, and that suits your body.Breathing the right way when you exercise is more important than the weight you lift or the reps you do. Remember, fat burns in the presence of oxygen. A 15 minute sprint is more effective than a 1 hour long and boring run on the treadmill. Shorter work outs, explosive movements, core work, plyometrics, body weight exercises, done effectively, produce the best results.

- You are on a low carb, low fat diet. This does not help. Eat good carbs and good fats at the right time and dont over do it on the protein. Protein not used gets stored as fat.

- You have too much sugar and alcohol in your diet.

- You are ageing. Forget the number, your body may be ageing inside due to poor lifestyle choices.

- Hormone imbalance

- Testosterone levels too high

- Your not serious about your goal. Getting a flat tummy requires discipline and some amount of sacrifice and control when it comes to eating outside food, processed food and sugar laden foods.

- You stress too much about your goal - Let it be,,,the more you chase it, the more elusive it gets. Know you are doing the right things for your body and let it be.Stress leads to fat gain.

Good luck !!