It happens to the best of us. It's not uncommon to hear people say ' I ate too much', ' I'm stuffed', ( hints - to a friend who actually abuses after overeating)
and spiral down into an abyss of guilt and self blame.
When we over - eat we make our digestive system work in overdrive and the human body is not designed
to do that too often.
When we eat too fast, and don't chew our food, large chunks of food reach the stomach instead of getting broken
down in the mouth with our teeth.
Digestive systems struggle to break this down, giving rise to gas, excess air, discomfort and fat storage.
Mostly all fast eaters always eat more than their body requires. It's true that the stomach sends a signal to the brain
when we are full, but that takes time, and fast eaters are usually done with their meal before that signal/hormone ( leptin)
reaches the brain.
Either ways, if this happens to you, or you found yourself piling up on food at that wedding/party/buffet, here are a few things you
can do to make you feel better.
Hydrate: Drink water. Better still, add some lemon to it. Excess food will make your body produce more acid, and you want to help your
body stay alkaline. Lemon water would do the trick or some salad sticks like cucumber, bell pepper, carrot.
Do not go straight to sleep: You want to sit upright for a while or be active to help your body digest effectively.
The Morning after: Nope, it's not a pill, its what you need to do. Wake up to a glass or 2 of lemon water and try finishing a liter over the next 15 minutes.
This helps your body flush out toxins and boost your metabolism.
Be aware: What made you over eat. had you skipped meals and snacks through the day? Were you stressed? identifying a trigger will help you
better manage these bouts in the future.
Fennel seeds/sauf: Munch on a tablespoon of these magical seeds. It helps with digestion
Ginger tea: make yourself a warm cup of ginger tea. This never fails to soothe the digestive system
Calories: Eat light and easy the next day. let your digestive system relax a bit post the night of onslaught. Have a lot of liquids, fresh fruits and vegetable.Stay low
on spicy food intake and eat every 3 hours.
Guilt: Don't beat yourself up too hard. Guilt produces stress and stress makes your body store fat. Regain control of yourself by accepting what you have already eaten and make the next choice a sensible one
Exercise/ Move: You must exercise the next day or the same day to burn the extra calories and improve oxygen flow to your cells.
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