Monday, June 3, 2013

Magical Fennel Seeds ( Sauf/Variyali)

Another seed/spice that grows across India. This seed should be in everyone's kitchen cabinet. 

It is an Indian custom to have a tsp of fennel/sauf/variyali after ever meal and there is a reason behind this custom. 

Plentiful in phytoestrogens, Fennel is a powerful herb against stomach upsets, colic, irritable bowel syndrome,
and other stomach disorders.

 More importantly fennel seeds can also be used in normalizing the functionalities of the kidneys,
spleen, liver, lungs, and aiding the digestive process. Fennel health benefits also reach out in promoting menstruation,
controlling cardiac problems, treating bronchial asthma, curing heartburn, easing water retention, lowering hypertension, and soothing chest pain due to cough.

The health benefits of fennel are also seen as a mild appetite suppressant and effective form of remedy for respiratory congestion and cough.
Fennel benefits can also be seen in cancer patients, especially after radiation or chemotherapy treatments to help soothe the digestive system.

Lung Health:
chewing fennel seed may help to reduce the symptoms of asthma, clear sinuses, and stabilize breathing.
More research is needed to confirm the connection between fennel and healthy breathing.

Iron Rich:
100 grams of fennel seeds provide 100% of the DV of iron. Iron is essential for muscle function,
brain function and the formation of hemoglobin. Iron deficiency can lead to severe body fatigue and conditions such as anemia.

Calcium Rich:
100 grams of fennel seeds provide 120% of the DV of calcium.
Calcium is essential to maintaining healthy teeth and bones and may also provide cardiovascular support.

Maintaining the recommended DV of fiber can help prevent constipation,
cleanse the body's digestive system, and aid the stomach in the formation of bile
and other digestive juices. Chewing fennel seeds after meals is believed to be a great way to aid in digestion.

Fiber Rich:
Just 100 grams of fennel seeds provides over 150% the DV of dietary fiber.
Fiber helps balance the metabolism,fat loss,  aids in digestion and cleanses the colon

Anti- Inflammatory:

Some studies suggest that the antioxidants in fennel seeds have anti-inflammatory properties.
They may be an effective treatment for arthritis and Crohn's disease, however more research is still needed to confirm these reports.

Antioxidant Rich:
Fennel seeds are high in the antioxidant group known as flavonoids.
Studies have found that flavonoids are effective combatants of free radical damage
to cells in the body, a known cause of many different types of cancer. Flavonoids can also help
reduce oxidative stress to the cardiovascular system and protect from neurological disease.

Cancer Prevention:
The antioxidants in fennel seeds can help reduce cancer risk associated with free radical damage
to cells and DNA. They also work alongside fiber to cleanse the colon and protect from colorectal cancer.

Controls Cravings:
When you have a tsp of fennel immediately after a meal, it cuts down or completely eliminates
sweet cravings, boosts digestive juices for a healthy and quick breakdown of food,
which in turn prevents fat formation. It can reduce flatulence and indigestion and it naturally freshens the mouth.

Keep air tight containers full of these precious seeds at your workplace, dining table,
hall tables, bedside tables,,,somewhere where you can see it and remember to have it post a meal/snack.

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