Fruit diets, fruit juice diets, banana and milk diets, high protein diets, chia seed infused water, salads, Vegan food, sugarless snacks, low fat foods, organic foods, fortified foods, innumerable ranges of organic vitamins, supplements etc……
We have it all….
We also have more obesity, more cancer, more diabetes, more depression, more mental decay, more medication, more vitamin deficiencies, more time spent with doctors and in hospitals..
On our endeavor to get healthy, we may actually be doing more harm then good, if we don’t understand the physiology of the human body and mind.
Too much of a good thing is bad…..even food…
Yes, fruits are extremely nutrient dense foods, but it does not mean we constantly eat them.
Protein is needed, its good for repair, tone, muscle, recovery, but it does not mean we need more and more of it.
Many fats may be bad, but it does not mean we stop eating fat completely.
It’s a very common belief that to be healthy, we need to eat more and more healthy foods.
Pure Ghee on a fresh hot wheat roti? What’s’ worse, the ghee or the roti ?
Most people with say Ghee, as it’s a fat and fat causes cholesterol and high cholesterol causes heart attacks… which really isn't’t the case in most people who have cardiac arrests or strokes. There are may many other reasons,,
I would worry about the roti,,,the wheat,,,where has the wheat come from,,is it GMO ? How processed is it?
Our beliefs about healthy foods need to be balanced with the understanding of what our body really needs and how our body assimilates nutrients from the food we eat..
A fruit diet is going to do anything but cleansing……
Too much protein intake is going to do more harm than just repair or muscle build..
This is when good food turns bad.
When we have too much of even a good thing, it ceases to be good, and can in fact cause harm.
There is absolutely no doubt that fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and all things good, and that they also contain fibre, which prevents constipation and other gastric problems.
But too much fibre (for instance, when you eat platefuls of raw green leafy vegetables or salads like radishes day in and out) can mess things up – big time.
Excess fibre often causes bloating, abdominal cramps and gas right away.
In the long term, it can interfere with the absorption of minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, causing some serious deficiencies.
Fruits also contain natural sugars, no harm in that, but too much is bad…your body only used what it needs,,the rest gets stored as fat or becomes waste and all waste is waste, whether its from a fruit or a samosa..Waste is toxic.
Insane workouts or working out too much,,,I have a question for you,,is it really really working,,are you really getting the desired body you have in mind?
Or are you using exercise as a way of punishing your body because you ate too much?
It just doesn’t work,,, your body has a life, so does your bones, your muscles and joints and over exercising will decrease your bone density, deplete vitamins from your body , raise cortisol levels, decrease immunity and leave you with STUBBORN BELLY FAT AND LOVE HANDLES..
The body needs not more than 30 minutes of smart exercise to stay health and if your fat and your trying to lose weight, more exercise DOES NOT mean more exercise…it means looking smartly at your food choices, your alcohol your sleep, your stress your sugar and the consistency of your exercise program.
Does your choice of exercise suit your body or are you just following the latest fad.
The body needs protein to repair and build muscle, but eating excessive amounts won’t do the job better. In fact, in a diet where the protein intake goes beyond 30 per cent of the daily caloric intake, a build up of toxic ketones in the body may occur, causing the kidneys to go into overdrive in an attempt to flush them out. This may lead to a significant loss of water and calcium from the body, causing dehydration and bone loss.
Symptoms include a feeling of weakness and dizziness, dry skin, loss of hair, low appetite, nausea and bad breath. In the long term, this may strain the kidneys, stretch out the liver and put stress on your heart too.
Weight loss efforts go bust too, as excess protein is converted into fat.
Another problem is that while making protein into carbs or fat, the body converts the protein’s nitrogen into urea or uric acid. In large amounts, this can mess up your kidneys, lead to gout (a condition that causes your joints to become inflamed, tender and painful to move) and cause gallstones and kidney stones.”
Be super careful with protein shakes and bars. The body can process only about four to five grams of protein per hour, so the 50 grams you got from that protein bar or shake will take about 10 hours to digest and absorb.
Also, when you replace your meals with protein shakes, you run the risk of missing the vitamins and nutrients you get from real food.
The Japanese eat soya and stay healthy and live longer. It is high in protein and has zero cholesterol. So what could be wrong with that?
That’s true, but what is also true is that most Japanese eat only about 8 to 10g of soy protein a day, and even soya causes problems when eaten in excess. If overeaten, it may promote cancer, dementia, reproductive abnormalities, osteoporosis and thyroid disorders.Increased consumption could also increase a woman’s total estrogen level, which is a risk factor for breast cancer.
For men, excessive soya can raise the risk of infertility, physical changes and hormonal havoc.
The body will only use what it needs…anything in excess becomes fat or waste and both are detrimental to your mind body health.
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