Nitric oxide is a molecule that our body produces to help its 50 trillion cells communicate with each other by transmitting signals throughout the entire body.
This molecule is also the 'fountain of youth' secret.
The more nitric oxide your body produces naturally, the younger you stay, mentally and physically.
• help memory and behavior by transmitting information between nerve cells in the brain
• assist the immune system at fighting off bacteria and defending against tumors
• regulate blood pressure by dilating arteries
• reduce inflammation
• improve sleep quality
• increase your recognition of sense (i.e. smell)
• increase endurance and strength
• assist in gastric motility
Nitric oxide is one of the main ‘ingredients’ behind erections, and without the molecule, you simply couldn't’t have a healthy one.
Simply put, nitric oxide makes the body run more smoothly, as oxygen, nutrients, and red blood cells can reach their target tissue and cells faster.
This to me is what makes nitric oxide extremely important, when it comes to immunity, prevention and cure of diseases and maintenance of well being.
The most common way to increase nitric oxide is through exercise. When you run or lift weights, your muscles need more oxygen which is supplied by the blood.
As the heart pumps with more pressure to supply the muscles with blood, the lining in your arteries releases nitric oxide into the blood, which relaxes and widens the vessel wall, allowing for more blood to pass though.
As we age, our blood vessels and nitric oxide system become less efficient due to free radical damage, inactivity, and poor diet, causing our veins and arteries to deteriorate. Think of a fire hose as water rushes through it to put out a fire - it needs to expand enough to handle the pressure, still keeping enough force to put out the fire.
Athletes and youth have the most optimal nitric oxide systems, reflecting their energy and resilience.
When you eat foods that contain natural nitrates, the bacteria in your tongue converts them into nitritines…
…And once you swallow the food, the bacteria in your gut converts the nitritines into nitric oxide
And fortunately, nitrate rich foods are easy to obtain and they’re also quite cheap…
…Here’s a list of few great foods packed with natural nitrates:
Spinach, beets, celery, aragula lettuce, iceberg lettuce, carrots, parsley, cabbage, radishes, collard greens, etc.
It’s a well known medical fact that vitamin C increases nitric oxide production in the body, and that it also protects the molecules.
Garlic on the other hand is filled with nitrates, and it also contains a compound called quercetin, which is linked to increased NO levels
eat plenty of grapes, red wine, onions, and garlic
Get plenty of safe sunlight
CQ10 from food sources, such as from: salmon, grassfed red meat, animal organs, egg yolks, Brazil nuts, and spinach.
Remember in the tip number #1 how I said that the bacteria in your tongue converts nitrates into nitritines, and then your gut continues the process by converting the nitritines into NO?
Well, that process never occurs if you’re a ‘heavy user’ of mouthwashes.
Listerine and the likes, tend to destroy all of the bacteria in your mouth (remember not all bacteria is bad) so that the nitrates can’t convert into nitritines.
Exercising and staying active is amazingly awesome for pretty much everything. After all, we were never meant to sit around all day.
We should be constantly on the move, walking, climbing, etc.
And pretty much all kinds of exercise (all the way from walking into furious strength training) has been shown to increase nitric oxide levels, both, temporarily and the baseline.
Something as simple as increasing nitrix oxide in your body can make you feel healthy, strong and fit.
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