Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Simple Move That Could Change Your Health

The way you start your day, and by that i mean the first thing that you do when you get off your bed, can go a long way
in determining your health and fitness levels. Whether your goal is weight loss, strength training, flexibility, agility
or just general fitness, what you do first thing in the morning,  determines the course of your day.

You wake up happy, you have a happy day ahead of you.
You wake up cranky, your going to be irritable thru the day

The moment you get out of bed, invest one or two minutes to engage yourself into a very simple and highly effective yogic position.
This position is called " Tadasana".
By doing this very simple move, here are the benefits you can reap:
Jump start your metabolism and keep it soaring through the day. This simply means, you can burn
more calories through the day. Your body becomes a fat burning machine.
Strengthen the spinal column and the heart. This is the best move for your back, especially after you have
woken up from 7 hours of sleep, where your spine ,may have been curved into position depending on the kind of mattress you sleep on.
A straight and strong spine eliminates back problems, aches and discomfort. It increases your ability
to move and think better as all chemical messengers travel through the spine.The straighter the spine, the faster they transmit.
Tadasana cures indigestion
Great for posture and for reducing cervical and neck pain
Strengthens your bones and joints ( especially good for knee and joint pain and arthritis)
Increases height ( between 9 and 19 yrs)
Do this the moment you get out off bed, on an empty stomach.
  • Stand erect on the floor. Legs, waist and neck all should be in a straight line. Your weight should be evenly spread on the feet.
    • While inhaling, clasp your hands as shown and raise both hands slowly upwards. Both the palms are facing upwards.
    • Retain breath, slowly lift your heels so that you stand on your toes. Stretch all of your body upwards as far as possible. Keep your legs and arms straight (no bending).
    • While exhaling, slowly bring your hands down. Bring your heels on the floor as in starting position.
  • Repeat this asana 2 to 3 times. Try to increase the duration you can stay in this asana.

You can also Google this posture to see it visually.
This is a fantastic and healthy way to start your day. You will feel great and energetic after you do this.You may not need the coffee.
After Tadasana,  you can drink your  lemon water and start your day, which i hope includes a nutritious and balanced breakfast.
Add this to your lifestyle if you are not doing it already.

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