Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Powerful Detoxifier For Your Health and Age

Garlic offers a wide range of beneficial properties for the body, with one of the most
important being the ability to detoxify – or remove harmful toxins,
which is a key factor in overall health as well as longevity.

A study published in the journal, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, found that garlic is as effective
at eliminating lead from the body as d-penicillamine, but without the serious side effects.
They also noted that lead poisoning accounts for 0.2 percent of all deaths and 0.6 percent
of disability-adjusted life years around the globe; the heavy metal that was once commonly
used in paints, is still around today and is known to cause damage to the skeletal, cardiovascular
and digestive systems. It is known to have significant negative effects on the kidneys, nervous system and reproductive organs.
The pharmaceutical solution for lead poisoning isn’t much better – it comes with serious side effects
that include anemia, diarrhea, bone marrow suppression, collagen disorders, distorted taste,
and even kidney, liver and muscle damage. The risk of these side effects is said to be as
much as 30 to 60 percent, which doesn't make it a very good gamble.
Of course, this study already adds to the long list of the health benefits of garlic that have beenconfirmed by science.
Its detoxifying properties don’t just apply to lead; consider all of the 
many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.
There are toxins in the air we breathe, in many of the foods we eat, 

in cleaning agents, secondhand cigarette smoke and a variety of other sources.
No wonder garlic has long been considered a super food. It is known as the most effective
broad spectrum anti-microbial agent with 39 different anti-fungal, bacterial, parasitic and viral agents.
Garlic is immune boosting and offers anti-infection properties – plus it adds fabulous flavor to any dish.
You probably already know some of garlic’s amazing health benefits.
In addition to removing heavy metals and toxins, the short list of benefits includes:
  • Stabilizing blood pressure
  • Lowering LDL cholesterol  ( excellent, excellent, excellent)
  • Reducing atherosclerotic buildup ( cardiovascular health)
  • Regulating blood sugar levels
  • Preventing blood clots from forming to reduce the risk of stroke
  • Helping to decrease the risk of cancer  ( super powerful)
  • Reducing the instance of  infections
  • Powerful anti-ageing food.
Did you know that garlic should also be a staple in your medicine cabinet? Crushed raw garlic can
be used as a very powerful antibiotic when applied to the site of an infection. It will initially burn,
but is one of the best ways to eradicate an infection without a prescription medication.
It can even kill strains of staph and bacteria that have become immune to modern antibiotics.
The best way to use it is to crush a clove of raw garlic and let it sit for about 10 minutes before using.
This allows it to form the maximum amount of allicin, providing greater antibacterial properties.
Don’t be afraid to use garlic as often as possible – if you’re worried about the smell,
try eating a sprig of fresh parsley with it. Parsley contains high levels of chlorophyll, which act as a natural breath freshener.

use as much of garlic as you can in your food. You can even steam garlic and eat it whole.

A Simple Move That Could Change Your Health

The way you start your day, and by that i mean the first thing that you do when you get off your bed, can go a long way
in determining your health and fitness levels. Whether your goal is weight loss, strength training, flexibility, agility
or just general fitness, what you do first thing in the morning,  determines the course of your day.

You wake up happy, you have a happy day ahead of you.
You wake up cranky, your going to be irritable thru the day

The moment you get out of bed, invest one or two minutes to engage yourself into a very simple and highly effective yogic position.
This position is called " Tadasana".
By doing this very simple move, here are the benefits you can reap:
Jump start your metabolism and keep it soaring through the day. This simply means, you can burn
more calories through the day. Your body becomes a fat burning machine.
Strengthen the spinal column and the heart. This is the best move for your back, especially after you have
woken up from 7 hours of sleep, where your spine ,may have been curved into position depending on the kind of mattress you sleep on.
A straight and strong spine eliminates back problems, aches and discomfort. It increases your ability
to move and think better as all chemical messengers travel through the spine.The straighter the spine, the faster they transmit.
Tadasana cures indigestion
Great for posture and for reducing cervical and neck pain
Strengthens your bones and joints ( especially good for knee and joint pain and arthritis)
Increases height ( between 9 and 19 yrs)
Do this the moment you get out off bed, on an empty stomach.
  • Stand erect on the floor. Legs, waist and neck all should be in a straight line. Your weight should be evenly spread on the feet.
    • While inhaling, clasp your hands as shown and raise both hands slowly upwards. Both the palms are facing upwards.
    • Retain breath, slowly lift your heels so that you stand on your toes. Stretch all of your body upwards as far as possible. Keep your legs and arms straight (no bending).
    • While exhaling, slowly bring your hands down. Bring your heels on the floor as in starting position.
  • Repeat this asana 2 to 3 times. Try to increase the duration you can stay in this asana.

You can also Google this posture to see it visually.
This is a fantastic and healthy way to start your day. You will feel great and energetic after you do this.You may not need the coffee.
After Tadasana,  you can drink your  lemon water and start your day, which i hope includes a nutritious and balanced breakfast.
Add this to your lifestyle if you are not doing it already.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Curry leaves

Two trips to Hyderabad and I fell in love with the local food. Rich in spices, flavor,
a fine balance of nutritious carbs like ragi, millets, barley, along with lentils and fresh
vegetables, what also made me appreciative of this cuisine was the more than liberal
use of ‘ curry leaves’ , also known as ‘ curry patta’ in most of their food.

The ‘curry leaf’ is a powerhouse of nutrition. It has been used to cure and prevent
diseases for generations.

It is an essential ingredient in Indian cooking especially in South India. However, it's customary for most of us to
simply remove and throw the leaf from our food and not consume it. Well, you shouldn't be doing that!

This leaf builds strong immunity in children and adults.

It stimulates digestive enzymes and helps break down food more easily.
Have a glass of buttermilk mixed with a
little hing (asafoetida) with a few curry leaves thrown after meal for good digestion.

Chewing curry leaves if known to help one lose body fat. Grind it into
a juice with lemon juice and ginger.

Rich in fiber, these leaves can contribute to a healthy bowel movement.

Curry leaves improve eye sight and is known to prevent cataract

Excellent for hair growth and for preventing graying of hair.

Regulates cholesterol in the body

Rich in antioxidants, these leaves have anti-cancer properties.

Decreases the side effects which come with chemotherapy and radiation sessions.

Excellent for diabetes. Regulates blood sugar levels in the body

Besides using the fresh leaves in cooking, one can also add these
fresh leaves to vegetable juices.

You can dry the leaves and grind them into a powder, which you can then sprinkle
over food, especially if your kids don’t like the sight of leaves in their food.

This way they can still reap the benefits of curry leaf nutrition.

You can even add them to your chutneys for taste and enhanced nutrition.

Carbs and Weight Loss

Carbs have become the buzz word when it comes to weight loss and health.

Do low carb diets and weight loss go hand in hand?

Yes, if you want short term results.
Yes, if you want to lose some weight and your hair too.
Yes, if you want to look gaunt and old.
Yes, if you want to gain the lost weight back, quickly.
Yes, if you want to deprive your body of essential vitamins.

Going back to school, carbohydrates are classified as a Macro-Nutrient, along with 
protein and fats.

A macro nutrient is called a MACRO nutrient, because of the enormous amount of nutrition
it provides when it comes to providing energy to the body and vital organs, and the BRAIN.

There's no science involved when it comes to lowering your carb intake. You will lose weight.

But, is that the right way to lose weight?

There are good carbs and bad carbs,,and sometimes eating the good carbs can become bad
when our overall intake increases thru the day, due to mindless snacking, emotional eating
and eating more than our body requires. Eating your meal at a fast pace also makes us eat more than
our body requires.

Good complex carbs provide us with great energy: -

Energy that is required for a super charged metabolism.
Energy that is required for the brain to function well.
Energy that can prevent us from 'crashing' during the day and reaching out for quick sugar and salt fixes.
Energy that can help us excel at our workouts
Energy that can help us BURN FAT
Energy that keeps us from getting irritable and frustrated.
Energy that can keep us feeling full for a longer period of time.

Here are some of those amazing carb foods that one should eat daily.

Whole wheat pasta 
( should be 100% whole wheat)
Cook this carb in a tomato based sauce with loads of veggies, spices and herbs. Portion control. Don't over eat.


Excellent for the heart and for losing fat. Rich in fiber, keeps you full and satiated. Cleanses the intestines and colon
as it passes thru the body.


Black beans, rajma, channa, navy beans, all beans, rich in fiber, protein, folic acid, zinc, iron. Helps burn fat
and build lean mass. Excellent for cholesterol and heart health.

Brown rice 

Pure brown rice is rich in fiber and nutrients, that can help you lose weight and pump up your nutrition levels.

Green peas

Rich in protein, fiber and nutrients. Excellent for the hair and skin.


What an amazing grain. Can be cooked in so many ways, highly nutritious, extremely low in fat, excellent
to drain out excess body water

Whole wheat bread

Don't get fooled by the packaging. The first ingredient must be WHOLE WHEAT and not Enriched or Bleached wheat.
Enjoy a sandwich, it's a great way or combining vegggies, protein and carbs.


Not local to India, but a highly nutritious grain, low in fat, rich in protein and fiber.
The Indian equivalent, nutrition wise would be brown rice.

Homemade Popcorn

Not the micro wave cooked version, but actually popped in a vessel on your cooking range.
Excellent high fiber snack. Add a little rock salt
and this could be the ideal night time or evening snack.

All carbs should be eaten in moderation, and all your main meals should have some carbs in.

The exception is dinner. if you have a late dinner, closer to your bed time, then avoid carbs.

Your body does not need carbs at night, it needs more protein and fat, so limit intake, or have a healthy carb snack late evening and then
a very light dinner.

Enjoy your carbs. Your body needs them.