What if i told you you could enjoy a bit of dessert and it would not impact your weight?
What if i told you that snacking on a cookie here or there would not impact your weight goals?
What if i told you that you could eat rice / Roti / Bread at lunch and dinner, and it would not
impact your weight or health?
The human body is a miracle. We are living examples of a miracle. The way our brain and body
functions, blood flow, though, smell,
feelings, emotions, the ability to recover from the deadliest of diseases, and the ability of our cells to heal and repair.
Everyday the trillions of cells in our body work non-stop to fight out germs and bacteria all around us,
which if, infected us, we could fall very sick
and even die. That miracle is called ' immunity'.
Our stomach produces sufficient acid to melt down a razor blade. Such is the power of our digestive system.
So whats an ice- cream or a chocolate bar or a cookie gonna do when it finds it way into our stomachs?
Our body is made to digest the hardest of foods. Red meat is tough to digest, but the body will break it down.
Vegetarians don't escape either. Cellulose in vegetables are extremely difficult to break down,
but the body breaks it down eventually.
( this is one reason that vegetarians suffer from more flatulence than non vegetarians.)
The body can break down meats and vegetables and that dessert. The secret lies in the 'chew'.
It turns out there’s a reason food tastes so good. You’re supposed to enjoy it—slow down and savor it,
not just get it to your stomach as quickly as possible. Chewing your food thoroughly is actually the first
step in the complex process of digestion, and if you glaze over it, just chewing the minimum amount of times
necessary to get the food down your esophagus, you’re actually compromising this process. And it’s a mistake many people make.
We were give teeth not just to make that smile or picture pretty. The primary function of teeth is to tear down and break up food into small bits.
Saliva mixes with these small bits, further softening them, and guess what? Here's the foremost reason you should begin to chew your food.When
you chew, more saliva gets produced and your saliva contains enzymes that break down FATS and CARBS. Yes!!! Digestion starts in the MOUTH.
When digestion starts in your mouth, by the time your food reaches your stomach, it's already processed by enzymes, and your stomach has no issues
in completing the assimilation/digestion process.
You feel light
You feel full for a longer period of time.
You do away with flatulence, gas, indigestion, burping.
You learn to savor and enjoy the taste of your food.
Your body absorbs all the goodness of your food ( vitamins, minerals) better.
You eat exactly how much your body needs, to you maintain or arrive at a healthy weight
Imagine all the times you gobble down your food.You have undigested chunks sitting in your stomach, giving rise to gas
discomfort and chances are that most of your food gets converted to fat.
Chew your food. Enjoy a dessert but eat it slow, savor it, enjoy it, and over time you will learn not to abuse it.
The more you chew your food, the cleaner you keep your intestines, stomach and colon, because the body can quickly cleanse itself
when digestion happens the right way. Bye to constipation , fatigue and migraines/headaches.
Try this exercise today:
The next meal, it it really slow. Take a spoon of food, chew it several times, savor the flavor and taste, and then swallow. Put your spoon down.
Then take the next. You will find yourself getting fuller quickly, and then you should stop eating. This way you save on calories you intake, and over time this
will become a habit and you will serve yourself less food. Less food equals less calories, equals better health, longer living and a healthy weight.
Take 1 serving spoon less at every meal, and chew and eat your food. You will find that it is enough and all these saves spoons of food add up to a lot of calories saved.
You will lose fat and you will feel healthier
Diseases are caused in most cases by over eating, and we always think how much we eat is enough, but it may not be correct, if you
have been eating your meals fast.
Chew your food and you will never have to diet.
Your meal time is more important that your work, respect it. That's your personal time between you and your body, where you feed and nourish it
to keep you healthy and strong to do your work and live well.
This is a lifestyle change, and if you master it, you can enjoy all the foods you like in moderation.
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