Do you eat food with worry in your mind?
Do you exercise with worry in your mind?
Do you go to bed at night, with worry in your mind?
Are you low on energy through the day and only
the thought of outside food or entertainment cheer you up?
Do you accept defeat when -
Your weight does not budge.
You have a restless night of sleep.
You give in to food cravings.
Your friends around you seem to lose weight faster or look better than you.
A roadside advertisement for a certain brand of motor oil:
' A clean engine always delivers power '
So will a mind, free of negatives, produce positives, that is to say, a clean mind willdeliver power.
Therefore flush out your thoughts, give yourself a clean mental engine, remembering that a clean mind, can always deliver power.
Most of our obstacles to our weight loss and health are mental in character. You may say, ' mine are not mental, they are real', perhaps so, but your attitude towards them is mental.
'Worry', is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. Through ' worry' we have the dangerous ability to manifest diseases, stress, failure, defeat, anger, frustration and depression.
Do not accept defeat so easily. When your weight does not budge, be patient, and instead of giving up, be more consistent with the things you know you should do to lose weight. It took you months or years to pile on fat, what makes you think it will go in a few weeks without some sacrifice and effort?
Are you being honest with yourself when it comes to your food, exercise and eating outside?
Ask yourself if the defeat that you have accepted is because you keep comparing yourself or your body to those around you? Your friends? Your social circle? if yes, then you will never be happy with the progress you make, you will get further depressed and you will fail.
Have you even seen any two actors/actresses with the same body type? How can you ever have the same body as someone else then?
Comparing ourselves or our children with others is the most drastic mistake one can make when it comes to your health or weight. Your benchmark for progress should be you and what you did yesterday, compared to what you will do today and tomorrow. keep getting better, keep getting consistent, and that will get you to your goal and peace of mind.
If you struggle to sleep, filter your thoughts and your mind. easy to say, but hard to do, but you must make the effort if you want to sleep well again.
Worry stems our of insecurity, greed, fear, low confidence, guilt and other factors. Sometimes, you have to let go and if you don't, your health will make that decision for you.
One of the best exercises to combat your insecurities is to count your blessings.Take a paper and write down all the things that you have and are grateful for. This should come from your heart. When you are done with this, your problems/insecurities will suddenly seem less.
When you begin to eliminate worry, your energy levels automatically increase.
You see we have over 60000 thoughts running through our heads everyday, so it's difficult to focus on what we have ( which is usually enough) and instead our minds fill with chaos, which in turn stems worry and negativity. This causes stress and we all know by now that stress causes disease, a weak immune system, and is the biggest, i repeat , BIGGEST, obstacle to fat loss and sleep.
Don't see yoga or breathing as just an exercise. Use that one hour or 45 minutes to actually reflect,count your blessings, pray or analyze the goodness in your life.
It is being proved today that the best way to cure a disease or a pain,is not to focus on it, but focus on everything else that's going well in your life.
To reach our goal, just have faith. All religions preach this, and most people fail to follow or believe in that.
Use a day or a weekend in a month for you, to weed out negative thoughts, detox your mind, relax your body, count your blessings.
Worry is a down payment on a problem that may NEVER occur and worry has never been known to solve a problem.
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