Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Shocking Dangers Of Laser Hair Removal Procedures ( Women and Men)

“Quick fixes “ are what’s causing more and more health and medical issues.

Laser hair removal: Millions world wide are rushing to get this well advertised procedure performed at clinics which have different certifications and laws as per the country they are performed in.

Across states in the U.S, it is considered a medical procedure and in other countries the person who performs the same may not even qualified to use lasers.

Irrespective. The problem I have with this is the fact that women and some men too, don’t understand or are not aware that this procedure can come with severe side effects ranging from scarring, burns, loss of pigmentation to cancers and blistering.

What concerns me more is the fact that you comprise your immunity at a cellular level and immunity is everything.

Immunity is what will help you prevent even the most severe diseases and cure even the most severe diseases.

Here’s a shout out to all mothers/parents who take their young children hitting puberty for these kinds of treatments. It’s a call out to parents who are keen on ‘beautifying ‘their daughters in preparation for finding the right guy for their daughter’s hand in marriage.

You are making very dangerous decisions that could lead to severe medical and mental issues.

Mental issues, is a whole different topic which revolves around body image and the kind of message we send out to our kids about beauty and acceptance in today’s world.

Laser and ( IPL) intense pulse light, removal , involves firing  short bursts or light at the skin. This is absorbed by the pigment in the hair, which heats up and damages / kills the hair follicle and should prevent hair from re-growing.

It’s killing a cell, which means it’s affecting your immunity and I’ll say it a million times over and over again, immunity is everything. It’s our body’s line of defense against diseases, even cancer. It’s what promotes great health, skin hair, energy and prevents us from ageing faster than normal.

The statistics of the number of laser hair removal treatments gone wrong, are never advertised. If you are tanned, even a little, and you undergo such a treatment, it could result in scarring, burns and pigmentation loss. And when this happens then the next step is skin grafting and cosmetic surgery to cover up the mess that could have been avoided in the first place.

Hair growth is a natural process designed by the human body. We do not have the right to stop something natural, permanently. There will be a side effect.

Laser hair removal is not natural to the body and anything that is not natural to the body at a cellular level can start a call mutation, in simple words, start a cancer and sometimes one would never know this somewhat seemingly harmless procedure could be the cause of many cancers and tumors in the body.

All these procedures no mater what you feel or think create an imbalance between the body and mind and you will keep on exploring ways to ‘ fix ‘ or beautify your body and there will be a time, that will have to end,,,then comes in depression, low self worth and battle with emotions which is a whole different story.

I may seem to be coming a little too strong on this subject but one must explore reasons as to why they really want these ‘quick fixes ‘.

Women have shaved and waxed at some point in their lives and that never was a problem until the option for this  ‘ quick fix ‘ emerged and was advertised so brilliantly to the masses.

Really ask yourself, how much time will you really save in your life if you have to do a few things for your body the natural and traditional way?

I encourage people to ask themselves these questions. Is there something else in your day that you could cut back on to save time, etc..

When it comes to the human body, unfortunately or fortunately, there are no short cuts.

It’s nature. Do we see nature taking short cuts?

Think really carefully about all these fads. Is it really worth the risk and suffering?

Cancer is striking down people faster and faster, day by day and the statistics are shocking and only getting worse. The prevention and possible cure is in our hands. We need to do everything and more to support our immunity.

Avoid any procedure that messes with your cells. Nature will find a way to slow us down to the right pace, irrespective of technology and advancement.

Have a super week !!!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Breast Cancer - Natural Prevention and Cure

It’s breast cancer month once again. The world celebrates this day in honor of the lives lost by this deadly cancer and organizations worldwide run awareness programs. People wear pink ribbons and thousands of campaigns run across social media networks, yet, the number of deaths increase month on month.

Are we losing the war against cancer?

Over the last 7 months, I have seen and worked with over 64 cancer cases. Here are some facts in general that I have experienced.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse continues to be the leading cause
  • Rare cases due to over exposure to chemicals and pollutants
  • Obesity and hormonal imbalance
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Emotional stress, internalization, holding on to grudges, unforgiveness, hatred, bitterness – seemed to be the most common of all, especially amongst Indian women.
  • Some cancer cases were falsely diagnosed. Chemo and radiation were administered as a ‘ precautionary measure ‘
One of the biggest problems is, people don’t change their lifestyles when suffering from cancer. They believe that the chemo and radiation and crazy amount of medications will work the magic. Sadly, it will only kill them more, slowly and surely, if they do not simultaneously change their lifestyles.

The reason a cancer started was due to a change in the environment of the body and cells, which could have been brought on by so many different reasons, and one has to understand that just medication will not help at all. You have to make changes, important changes that re-create a healthy environment in the body, one that promotes healthy cells to re-generate and boost immunity.

Lets Focus on Breast Cancer :

When it comes to breast cancer, it’s important to understand that getting regular mammogram screenings is NOT going to prevent anything. In fact, mammography, which employs radiation, can increase your risk since ionizing radiation itself causes cancer.

Furthermore, mammograms:
•Are incorrect 80 percent of the time (providing a false negative or false positive)
•Use compression, which can damage breast tissue or potentially spread cancer
•Are not effective for up to 50 percent of women (women with dense breasts or implants)
•Can lead to over-diagnosis and over-treatment of non-invasive cancers
Can lead to the disturbing practice

Natural ways to prevent Breast cancer –

  • Regular self examination
  • Believe that cancer is preventable and that cure is possible. Believe in the miracle of the human body
  • Maintain great Vitamin D levels. This is extremely important
  • Do not take iron supplements unless really advised by your doctor. Excess iron in the body has direct links to breast cancer
  • Turmeric / curcumin can slash your risk by almost 50%
  • Add flax seeds to your daily diet. These wonder seeds slash your risk and aid in the cure of breast cancer
  • Do not wear under wire bra’s. This blocks circulation and prevents your lymph nodes from proper drainage, leading to toxin build up
  • Massage your breasts regularly, especially end of day to stimulate circulation
  • Be mindful of constipation. Almost all cases of breast cancer were linked to issues with constipation and toxin build up.
  • Wear natural fabrics. The skin is your largest organ of elimination and detoxification. Natural fabrics allow the skin to breathe. Avoid dry-cleaning whenever possible. Carcinogenic chemicals from dry cleaning can enter your system through your skin. If you must dry clean, air out garments before wearing.

  • Do not use any harsh anti-perspirants, deodorants, soaps, detergents, lotion, make-up, hair dye, etc.  Every chemical you put on your skin enters your body, thus increasing detoxification requirements on your liver.
  • Aromatic amines in hair dyes and straightening procedures are extremely toxic and get absorbed into the body.
  • Acrylamide in tobacco smoke causes breast cancer
  • Anti-depressants come with severe side effects and every pill you take could be increasing your risk of breast cancer
Begin to believe that the human body, your body is capable of repair and rejuvenation when we create the right environment for that change to happen. Can plants grown in darkness? No. We let in the sun,change the environment and they begin to grow. Nature.

Your health is your responsibility. Don't put that responsibility in the hands of a doctor, nutritionist, trainer, healer, etc. They are guides and coaches, but you are still responsible for your own health and what you do.

Reaching Puberty Too Early?

Many worried parents approach me with a common issue of their daughter’s reaching or showing signs of reaching puberty earlier and earlier these days.

Most parents believe that it’s the way things are these days, and some believe that the hormones in several foods, especially milk causes this to happen.

The scary part is, people are beginning to accept it as a normal phenomenon.

Well, here’s the truth. Accepting it is the easy way out and blinds us from really understanding why this is happening and what we can do to arrest this now.

This can be controlled to a large extent by parents.

Yes, added hormones in foods are a large reason why this happens in girls and boys. Testosterone levels in boys get accelerated and can be linked with violence, irritability, anger, depression and a feeling of lack of self worth.

Studies have found that girls who mature early are more likely to be influenced by older friends, start having sex sooner and have more problems with low self-esteem and depression.

Just because you're developing more quickly physically doesn't mean you're maturing emotionally or socially.
Plus, early puberty has been tied to long-term health risks. For women, an earlier start to menstruation has been linked to a heightened risk of breast cancer. It's not clear why, but some researchers suspect that greater lifetime exposure to estrogen might be one reason.

Earlier puberty also has been tied to increased risks of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes in adulthood.

I encourage all parents to be mindful of their children’s weight, especially girls. Im talking ages 4, 5, 6, and above. This may sound extreme, but it’s important you monitor your child’s weight.

One of the main reasons of this early puberty is this. Kids today have so much access to junk food; they spend more time being inactive in front of the TV, video games etc, and their weight creeps up.

Now here is what you need to understand.

As their weight increases at this young age, the body produces a hormone called leptin.

When leptin increases due to increased weight, it signals the hypoyhalmus ( in the brain ) a simple message. The childs body weight is now where it needs to be to kick start puberty, and that’s how it hits the child, irrespective of age. So if your child s gaining weight faster than usual, it's going to kick in naturally.It's the way the body works.

Increased weight triggers of leptin, which signals the brain that the childs body is ready for puberty.

This is why I strongly encourage parents, go easy on the junk and sugar, you must build more physical activity in your kids lives. There has to be a certain amount of discipline, no matter what.

Packaged foods with long ingredient labels, should not be purchased. They contain hormone altering ingredients.

Foods like soy that may be genetically modified should be avoided completely.

I strongly suggest a shift from milk to yogurt, which anyway has more calcium and protein and probiotics than milk.

Add in more fruits and veggies. This is so important. If you do allow your kids junk, insist that they have something healthy with or after it.

Early puberty, especially in girls brings about a lot of hormonal imbalance that can affect body function, development, emotions, thinking and behavior.